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Herbal Remedies

Herbal Remedies

How to Improve your Mental Alertness

By bruce at 2010-12-14 05:08:53
The ability to concentrate exists when hormones, neurotransmitters and chemicals found in the brain, such as dopamine, all are present in the right amounts in the prefrontal cortex of the brain. [“Fuzzy Brain? Improve Your Attention Span”, 2008, Nov 14, Author Unknown, Real Simple] Dopamine is sometimes known as the “pleasure chemical” in the brain and levels rise when someone experiences something enjoyable. When this happens, concentration levels increase in an effort to continue high dopamine levels. When attention wanes, dopamine levels drop and in an effort to increase dopamine levels, additional and interesting activities are naturally sought.

Although the inability to pay attention can be caused by internal or external factors, there are some simple strategies to help regain focus.

Stay away from caffeine. Although caffeine can provide a quick burst of focus, drinking too much caffeine can cause nervousness and may lead to a decrease in attention .

Take a walk. Exercise can help to increase concentration levels. Taking a walk or moving around helps to increase alertness. Even standing up and stretching for a few minutes can help focus.

Try meditation. Meditation can help to relieve stress, increase creativity and sharpen mental skills.

Exercise can organize your mind; you can get the rest of those never-ending other parts of the universe to begin to march in formation. No one would intentionally create failure, or bad relationships, or any other pain. You can only do something that is not good for you, if you do it without thinking. This means if you are creating something you don't want, you must not be doing so without thinking. The key is to become more conscious, more aware stop creating all the dramas and other waste you don't want in your life. You can do yoga, exercises to increase your ability to be consciously alert.

As you continue with the exercises and yoga, doing this your mind becomes more concentrated and inner part of you becomes stronger and stronger. You can help things along, however, by remembering and using a very important part of wisdom. It's the reality that whatever you focus on manifests as reality in your life. You are always concentrating on something, whether you are conscious of it or not. If I spent some time with you, and heard your history, I could tell you what you are concentrating on. The outcomes you get are always the effect of your concentration.

The difficulty is that this concentration is usually not conscious focus, its automatic focus. We automatically concentrate on something we don't want, and then when we get it we experience like a victim and don't even stop to think that we created it in the first place. And what is more, we don't understand we could choose to create something entirely different if we could choose to create something fully different if we could only get out of the cycle of automatically concentrating on something other than what we want.

Find powerful herbal remedies
Memory Loss and Improving Intelligence

There are some people out there who can and will harm you. Relationships can be unsafe and painful. You have to watch out for these people or from time to time, relationships in general and avoid them. Unluckily, to watch out for them and keep away from them, you have to concentrate your mind on people who could hurt you, or bad relationships, and that concentration draws more of what you don't want to do. So when they come into view in your life you are drawn to them. This is why many people prefer to have one relationship after another with the same person, but in different bodies.

Concentrating on what you do not want, paradoxically, makes it happen. Concentrating on not being poor makes you poor. Concentrating on not making mistakes causes you to make mistakes. Concentrating on not having a bad relationship creates bad relationships. This all happens only if you have lack of concentration. So it is important to develop your concentration level to achieve great success in life.

Nervine Tonic
Herbal Products or more read on herbalcureindia.com
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